Exploring Hypoxic Training: A Biohacking Method or Natural Adaptation?

In recent years, the term “biohacking” has gained significant traction, capturing the imagination of individuals seeking to optimize their physical and mental performance through unconventional means. Among the myriad techniques and methodologies encompassed by this umbrella term, hypoxic training stands out as a particularly intriguing approach. But is hypoxic training truly a form of biohacking, or does it represent a natural adaptation rooted in our evolutionary history? Let’s delve into this fascinating topic.

Hypoxic Chamber

Understanding Hypoxic Training

Hypoxic training involves exposing the body to reduced oxygen levels, typically achieved by simulating high-altitude environments or utilizing specialized equipment such as altitude tents, masks, or chambers. Athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and even medical professionals have long been intrigued by the potential benefits of training in hypoxic conditions.

The Biohacking Perspective

From a biohacking standpoint, hypoxic training fits squarely within the realm of manipulating environmental variables to elicit specific physiological responses. Proponents argue that by subjecting the body to oxygen deprivation, one can trigger adaptations that enhance endurance, cardiovascular function, and overall performance. This perspective aligns with the broader ethos of biohacking, which revolves around leveraging technology, lifestyle modifications, and unconventional practices to optimize human biology.

Evolutionary Roots

However, an alternative viewpoint suggests that hypoxic training is not so much a novel biohacking technique but rather a rediscovery of our body’s innate ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Throughout human history, populations living at high altitudes, such as the Andean or Tibetan peoples, have developed unique physiological adaptations to thrive in oxygen-deprived environments. These adaptations include increased red blood cell production, enhanced oxygen utilization, and improved aerobic capacity.

Bridging the Gap

So, where does hypoxic training fit within the biohacking landscape? The answer may lie in its fusion of modern technology with ancient evolutionary mechanisms. While the basic concept of hypoxic training may not be revolutionary in itself, the innovative tools and methodologies employed to simulate altitude conditions represent a quintessential aspect of biohacking. By harnessing our understanding of human physiology and leveraging cutting-edge technology, individuals can fine-tune their training regimens to achieve specific performance goals.

The Science of Adaptation

Regardless of whether one views hypoxic training as a form of biohacking or a natural adaptation, its efficacy is supported by a robust body of scientific research. Studies have shown that exposure to hypoxic conditions can stimulate the production of erythropoietin (EPO), a hormone that regulates red blood cell production, leading to increased oxygen-carrying capacity. Additionally, hypoxic training has been linked to improvements in aerobic endurance, mitochondrial function, and vascular health.

Conclusion: A Blend of Innovation and Tradition

The debate over whether hypoxic training qualifies as a form of biohacking ultimately hinges on one’s perspective. While some may view it as a cutting-edge technique born from the intersection of science and experimentation, others may see it as a rediscovery of ancient physiological adaptations honed over millennia. Regardless of semantics, hypoxic training offers individuals a powerful tool for enhancing physical performance and pushing the boundaries of human potential. Whether you approach it as a biohacker seeking to optimize every facet of your biology or as a student of human evolution embracing our ancestral heritage, the benefits of hypoxic training are undeniable.

Let’s talk about how hypoxic training can improve your health, fitness and performance. Schedule a time to meet with one of our expert Altitude coaches.


Unveiling the Depths: How Intermittent Hypoxic Training Elevates Diving Fitness

Diving enthusiasts understand the crucial role of fitness in exploring the underwater world with confidence. We’ll explore the benefits of intermittent hypoxic training (IHT) for divers, shedding light on how this innovative approach enhances diving performance, saves oxygen tanks and improves overall fitness and safety while diving.


Training for Scuba Diving

Fitness for divers goes beyond traditional workouts; it requires specialized training to adapt to the unique demands of underwater exploration. Intermittent Hypoxic Training (IHT) has emerged as a potent tool for divers seeking to maximize their performance. By exposing individuals to simulated altitude conditions, IHT stimulates physiological adaptations that mirror those experienced during actual diving, making it a valuable addition to any diver’s training regimen.

Intermittent Hypoxic Training involves alternating between periods of reduced oxygen levels and normal oxygen levels, mimicking the conditions encountered at higher altitudes. This innovative approach offers several benefits for divers:


  1. Enhanced Oxygen Utilization: IHT improves the body’s ability to extract oxygen from the air, ensuring optimal oxygen delivery to vital organs and tissues during dives.
  2. Increased Red Blood Cell Production: By stimulating the production of red blood cells, IHT enhances oxygen transport, endurance, and reduces the risk of hypoxia-related issues underwater.
  3. Improved Cardiovascular Endurance: IHT strengthens the cardiovascular system, enabling divers to maintain steady heart rates and blood pressure levels during dives.
  4. Heightened Respiratory Efficiency: Through IHT, divers can strengthen respiratory muscles and improve breathing patterns, leading to more efficient gas exchange and prolonged dive times.

Decrease Oxygen Tank Reliance

Integrating IHT into a diver’s fitness routine can not only enhance performance but also contribute to more efficient oxygen usage during dives. By improving oxygen utilization, cardiovascular endurance, and respiratory efficiency through IHT, divers may find themselves requiring less supplemental oxygen during their dives. This reduction in oxygen consumption could potentially extend dive times and decrease reliance on oxygen tanks, enhancing safety and sustainability in underwater exploration. As divers become more adept at utilizing oxygen efficiently, they can maximize their time underwater while minimizing their environmental impact, making IHT a valuable tool for both personal performance and environmental stewardship.


Intermittent Hypoxic Training for Divers

Dive Safely and Effectively

Diving fitness is essential for exploring the underwater world safely and effectively. With intermittent hypoxic training, divers can enhance their oxygen utilization, cardiovascular endurance, and respiratory efficiency, leading to improved performance and greater enjoyment of their dives. Incorporating IHT into your training regimen can unlock the depths of your potential as a diver, enabling you to embark on unforgettable underwater adventures with confidence and skill.

Dive safer and more efficiently with Altitude Athletic Training. Our expert coaches will evaluate your fitness, craft a customized training regimen, and elevate your underwater performance. Book a complimentary consult to learn more: BOOK NOW.

Breathing Thin Air: A Sea-Level Runner’s Guide to Trail and Mountain Ultra Marathons

For sea-level athletes venturing into the world of ultra marathons set in trails and mountains, the journey is not only a physical test but also a thrilling exploration of diverse terrains and elevations. In this guide, we’ll delve into the unique challenges faced by sea-level runners tackling trail and mountain ultra marathons, and outline a specialized training approach to prepare for the altitude changes and rugged landscapes that lie ahead.

Understanding the Altitude Challenge:

  1. Altitude Adjustments:

    • Acknowledge the impact of increased elevation on your body’s oxygen intake and adjust your training accordingly.
    • Gradually acclimate to higher altitudes by incorporating altitude-specific training strategies.
  2. Terrain Dynamics:

    • Trail and mountain ultra marathons present varying surfaces, including rocky trails, steep ascents, and descents.
    • Train on similar terrains to build the necessary strength, agility, and proprioception.
ultra marathon training

Ultra Marathon Training Plan:

  1. Altitude Adaptation Runs:
    • Plan training runs at higher elevations to adapt your body to reduced oxygen levels.
    • If possible, incorporate specific trail sections of the race route to familiarize yourself with the terrain
  2. Hill Training with Mountainous Challenges:
    • Prioritize hill workouts to mimic the elevation changes of mountainous races.
    • Focus on both uphill and downhill training to build strength and resilience.
  3. Specificity in Long Runs:
    • Schedule long runs on trails and mountain paths similar to the race course.
    • Include elevation gains and losses to simulate race-day conditions.
  4. Technical Trail Running:
    • Develop technical trail running skills, including navigating rocks, tree roots, and uneven surfaces.
    • Incorporate agility drills to enhance your ability to adapt to the unpredictable trail conditions.

Mental Preparation:

  1. Visualization in Mountainous Landscapes:

    • Visualize success by imagining yourself conquering the mountainous trails.
    • Cultivate a positive mindset by focusing on the breathtaking views and the sense of accomplishment that awaits.
  2. Mindfulness in Nature’s Playground:

    • Practice mindfulness during training to stay present and attuned to your surroundings.
    • Embrace the serenity of nature to foster mental clarity and reduce anxiety about the challenging course.

Gear and Nutrition Considerations:

  1. Trail-Specific Gear:

    • Invest in trail running shoes with proper traction for varied surfaces.
    • Consider lightweight and moisture-wicking clothing suitable for unpredictable mountain weather.
  2. Nutrition for Altitude:

    • Adjust your nutrition plan to account for the increased calorie expenditure at higher altitudes.
    • Stay vigilant about hydration, recognizing that dehydration can occur more rapidly in mountainous conditions.

Our coaches at Altitude Athletic Training are experts in ultra-marathon training and simulated altitude training. Schedule a time to meet with one of our coaches and learn about the benefits for you:

The Benefits of Intermittent Hypoxic Training for Mining Professionals

In the demanding world of mining, where physical exertion, challenging environments, and high altitudes are part of the job description, finding effective ways to enhance performance and well-being is crucial. One innovative approach gaining attention for its potential benefits is Intermittent Hypoxic Training (IHT). Let’s explore how this training method could be a game-changer for mining professionals.

1. Improved Oxygen Utilization:

Mining often takes place in environments with reduced oxygen levels, presenting a challenge for the body. IHT has the potential to enhance the body’s ability to utilize oxygen efficiently, reducing the impact of lower oxygen levels commonly encountered in mining areas.

2. Enhanced Endurance and Fatigue Resistance:

Mining is physically demanding, requiring individuals to perform strenuous tasks over extended periods. IHT has been shown to improve endurance and reduce fatigue, offering mining professionals the stamina needed to tackle long shifts and demanding work conditions.

intermittent hypoxic training for mining professionals

3. Increased Altitude Tolerance:

As miners and mining professionals on site visits navigate varying altitudes, adapting to changes in oxygen availability is crucial. IHT aids the body in acclimating to lower oxygen levels, potentially reducing the risk of altitude-related illnesses and ensuring miners can operate effectively at different elevations.

4. Cardiovascular Health Benefits:

A strong cardiovascular system is essential for the physical demands of mining. IHT has been linked to improvements such as increased capillary density, enhanced blood flow, and improved cardiac function, contributing to overall cardiovascular health.

5. Optimized Physical Performance:

Mining operations require peak physical performance. IHT promotes physiological adaptations like increased mitochondrial density and improved oxygen transport, allowing miners to achieve better performance during physically demanding tasks.

6. Efficient Use of Resources:

Efficiency is key in mining operations. One of the benefits of intermittent hypoxic training for mining professionals, is that it enables individuals to achieve similar training adaptations with less volume and intensity. This means that miners can maximize their training benefits while optimizing time and resources spent on physical conditioning.

7. Reduced Injury Risk:

Improved strength, endurance, and overall physical fitness resulting from IHT may contribute to a lower risk of injuries among miners. Stronger, more resilient individuals are better equipped to handle the physical challenges associated with mining work.

8. Employee Well-being and Morale:

Prioritizing the well-being of mining personnel is not just about productivity—it’s about creating a positive work environment. Incorporating IHT into employee wellness programs demonstrates a commitment to the health and satisfaction of mining professionals, potentially boosting morale.

Our coaches at Altitude Athletic Training are experts in reduced-oxygen training and how it can benefit you as a mining professional. Schedule a time to meet with one of our coaches and learn about the benefits for you:

Unlocking the Secrets of Longevity: The Power of Hypoxic Training

In the quest for a long and healthy life, people have explored a multitude of avenues, from diet and lifestyle choices to cutting-edge medical advancements. But what if we told you that a unique and promising approach to enhance longevity involves a form of training that manipulates your body’s response to reduced oxygen levels? Enter hypoxic training – a revolutionary fitness strategy that holds the potential to unlock the secrets of longevity.

In this blog post, we will delve into the fascinating world of hypoxic training and how it can play a pivotal role in promoting a longer, healthier life. We’ll explore the key benefits of this innovative training method and why it might just be the best type of training for longevity.


The Foundations of Longevity

Longevity, simply put, is the art of living a longer and healthier life. It’s about optimizing your years, not just extending them. To achieve this, a holistic approach that combines various elements is essential. Among these elements, fitness for longevity is a critical pillar. But not all exercise is created equal, and hypoxic training stands out as a powerful tool in this context.

Understanding Hypoxic Training

Hypoxic training involves working out in an environment with reduced oxygen levels, simulating high-altitude conditions. The idea is to challenge the body to adapt to the reduced oxygen, leading to various physiological changes that can benefit overall health and longevity.

The Benefits of Hypoxic Training for Longevity

  1. Improved Cardiovascular Health: Hypoxic training can enhance cardiovascular health by boosting the production of red blood cells and increasing capillarization. This results in better oxygen delivery to your body’s tissues, improving heart function and reducing the risk of heart-related issues.

  2. Enhanced Metabolism: Exercising in a low-oxygen environment revs up your metabolic rate, helping you burn calories more efficiently. This can aid in weight management, a key component of longevity.

  3. Stress Reduction: Hypoxic training has been shown to reduce stress and improve mental well-being. Less stress means a healthier, more extended life.

  4. Increased Longevity Gene Activation: Some studies suggest that hypoxic training may activate certain genes associated with longevity and cellular repair, promoting healthier aging.

  5. Improved Endurance and Fitness: Hypoxic training challenges your body to adapt and perform better in oxygen-deprived conditions, ultimately enhancing your overall fitness. A stronger, fitter body is better equipped to age gracefully.

Is Hypoxic Training the Best Type of Training for Longevity?

While it’s important to remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to fitness for longevity, hypoxic training offers a unique and promising avenue to explore. It combines physical and mental health benefits. This makes it an attractive option for those seeking a comprehensive approach to extending their lifespan.

In conclusion, when it comes to training for longevity, hypoxic training is the real adventure. So, if you’re eager to unlock the secrets of longevity and take charge of your health, consider adding hypoxic training to your fitness routine. With its multitude of benefits, it’s undoubtedly worth exploring this innovative method that holds the promise of a longer, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

Let’s talk about how hypoxic training can boost your longevity. Schedule a time to meet with one of our expert Altitude coaches.



Altitude training for injured runners

Are you a runner dealing with injuries? Altitude training could be your best friend

Most runners have been injured, and it’s a dreadful part of sport. We spend hours pool running. We do endless glute bridges. And we watch our friends leave for runs and disappear into the abyss just like our abs. We get bored out of our minds, and stressed about losing the fitness we worked so hard to build.

As we lope and mope on the local gym’s elliptical machine, we think of three things:

How can I make cross-training less boring?

How can I maintain fitness?

Is this thing ever going to heal?

 Thankfully, there might be an answer to these questions that has nothing to do with stepping foot into the pool with an aqua belt.


Altitude training could be your most valuable cross-training tool. Here’s how:

Research shows that low-oxygen (hypoxic) training increases red blood cell count, which facilitates oxygen transport to the working muscles. Better oxygen transport can lead to more aerobic benefits (which can help us maintain fitness when we are injured) and decreased injury recovery time. As well, seeking out a new method of cross-training can be mentally refreshing, and can make our time away feel less terrible.

Plus, no matter where you are on the injury spectrum, altitude training can be your ally.


The Injury Spectrum

How might altitude training be helpful to you

Injury Prone

You’re not injured right now, but you push your limits and regularly find yourself sidelined. Maybe it’s pesky runner’s knee, or notoriously weak hips (they especially don’t lie when you’re a runner). You want to keep making gains, but you struggle handling your workload before a nagging “issue” turns into a full-blown problem. Do a portion of your training at altitude instead in order to maximize your time on your feet without additional stress to your weak spots. Your 75-minute run can become a 60-minute hypoxic run. Similar aerobic stimulus, less pounding.

On the Comeback

You are returning to training, and can only handle half your regular volume. Because you are doing less than what you are used to, you find it difficult to gain much fitness. Doing that reduced volume at hypoxia can produce physiological stimulus that will let you get fit at a faster rate. This way you can get back up to speed in a reasonable timeframe. See training at altitude as the bridge to get you back to your full volume of running again, but safely.


running your fastest 5K

Short-term Sideline

It’s the middle of your season, and you are in the shape of your life, and you are told to back off for three weeks. Not enough to kill the race goal, but enough to lose your edge. You don’t want to take time off, and you want to keep building fitness. For a short period, use an alternative form of training to maintain your fitness. Do it in low-oxygen conditions, and you might not miss a beat—red blood cell count and oxygen transport tends to spike after three weeks to a month of hypoxic training. You may actually come out of this mini-pause in your run training fitter than before. Plus, it’s a great excuse to try something new.

Out for the Season

You are riding great fitness, and come down with a pretty serious injury, say, a muscle tear or the dreaded stress fracture. You might be off for a few months, but you are motivated to stay fit. In the past, you’ve put in two to three hours of work on the bike or in the pool per day to get enough aerobic stimulus, only to come back to running with bike legs (this is when you discover how strong your quads can get) or pool arms (swimming reminds runners that a bit of upper body is perhaps not a bad thing).

But how can you maintain fitness for two months, without coming back with a body that would rather swim or cycle than run? Do that cross-training at altitude, and get the desired aerobic stimulus without having to cross-train excessively. This approach will also free your afternoon for more glute bridges or planks (which can be done at altitude as well). You’re welcome.

Far Gone

You have been injured for a long time, and feel like you have lost all fitness. Generally, the more unfit you are, the greater the results of hypoxic training. Use our training methods as your first step back to action, either on your own terms during our open gym time, or with the help of a coach and a personalized training plan.

If you are injured and want to get back to competition in a more effective and less painless way, give Altitude Athletic a try. If nothing else, it’s way more fun and adds stimulus than staring at the wall of your local pool for an hour.

Let’s talk about how altitude training can help you with your running injury. Schedule a time to meet with one of our expert Altitude coaches.