Conquering Aconcagua: 4 Tips for Optimal Training and Altitude Preparation

Embarking on an Aconcagua trek or expedition is a thrilling prospect, but scaling South America’s highest peak demands meticulous preparation. In this blog post, we’ll delve into four crucial tips for effective Aconcagua training, with a particular focus on the benefits of altitude training in a simulated gym environment if accessible to you. Let’s explore how tailored preparation, physical conditioning, and simulated altitude training can elevate your readiness for the Aconcagua expedition.

1. Tailored Aconcagua Training Plans

To conquer the towering heights of Aconcagua, a customized training plan is essential. Tailor your workouts to include endurance training, cardiovascular exercises, and strength conditioning. Focus on leg strength to navigate challenging terrains and high-altitude cardiovascular workouts to acclimate to reduced oxygen levels.

2. Altitude Training for Aconcagua: The Simulated Advantage

If accessible, consider incorporating altitude training into your regimen, specifically designed for Aconcagua expedition preparation. Simulated altitude gyms replicate the reduced oxygen conditions of high altitudes, facilitating acclimatization. This targeted training enhances your body’s ability to cope with the challenges posed by Aconcagua’s elevations.

Altitude training for Aconcagua provides numerous benefits:

  • Increased Oxygen Efficiency: Simulated altitude sessions improve your body’s ability to utilize oxygen efficiently, crucial for endurance at high elevations.
  • Enhanced Acclimatization: Regular exposure to reduced oxygen levels in a controlled environment helps your body acclimate more effectively, minimizing the risk of altitude-related issues during the Aconcagua trek.
  • Improved Cardiovascular Fitness: Altitude training stimulates cardiovascular adaptation, boosting your heart and lung efficiency to meet the demands of high altitudes.
  • Mental Resilience: Training in a simulated altitude gym builds mental resilience, preparing you for the psychological challenges of the Aconcagua expedition.
Aconcagua expedition training

3. Elevation Gain Simulation

Incorporate elevation gain simulation into your training hikes. While nothing fully replicates the conditions of Aconcagua, mimicking steep ascents in your local terrain helps build strength and endurance specific to the challenges you’ll face on the actual trek.

4. Comprehensive Gear Familiarity

Become intimately familiar with your Aconcagua gear during your training sessions. This includes testing your clothing, boots, and equipment to ensure comfort, functionality, and suitability for high-altitude conditions. Familiarity with your gear minimizes surprises and discomfort during the actual expedition.

Preparing for the Aconcagua trek requires meticulous training and strategic altitude preparation. Altitude training for Aconcagua in a simulated gym provides a unique advantage, enhancing acclimatization, cardiovascular fitness, and mental resilience. By tailoring your workouts, incorporating elevation gain simulation, and thoroughly familiarizing yourself with your gear, you’ll be better equipped to tackle the challenges of South America’s highest peak. Elevate your Aconcagua expedition readiness with targeted training and embrace the journey towards conquering this awe-inspiring summit.

Our coaches at Altitude Athletic Training have worked with many climbers on specific training plans for Aconcagua. Schedule a time to meet with one of them to discuss your trip preparation:



Unlocking the Secrets of Longevity: The Power of Hypoxic Training

In the quest for a long and healthy life, people have explored a multitude of avenues, from diet and lifestyle choices to cutting-edge medical advancements. But what if we told you that a unique and promising approach to enhance longevity involves a form of training that manipulates your body’s response to reduced oxygen levels? Enter hypoxic training – a revolutionary fitness strategy that holds the potential to unlock the secrets of longevity.

In this blog post, we will delve into the fascinating world of hypoxic training and how it can play a pivotal role in promoting a longer, healthier life. We’ll explore the key benefits of this innovative training method and why it might just be the best type of training for longevity.


The Foundations of Longevity

Longevity, simply put, is the art of living a longer and healthier life. It’s about optimizing your years, not just extending them. To achieve this, a holistic approach that combines various elements is essential. Among these elements, fitness for longevity is a critical pillar. But not all exercise is created equal, and hypoxic training stands out as a powerful tool in this context.

Understanding Hypoxic Training

Hypoxic training involves working out in an environment with reduced oxygen levels, simulating high-altitude conditions. The idea is to challenge the body to adapt to the reduced oxygen, leading to various physiological changes that can benefit overall health and longevity.

The Benefits of Hypoxic Training for Longevity

  1. Improved Cardiovascular Health: Hypoxic training can enhance cardiovascular health by boosting the production of red blood cells and increasing capillarization. This results in better oxygen delivery to your body’s tissues, improving heart function and reducing the risk of heart-related issues.

  2. Enhanced Metabolism: Exercising in a low-oxygen environment revs up your metabolic rate, helping you burn calories more efficiently. This can aid in weight management, a key component of longevity.

  3. Stress Reduction: Hypoxic training has been shown to reduce stress and improve mental well-being. Less stress means a healthier, more extended life.

  4. Increased Longevity Gene Activation: Some studies suggest that hypoxic training may activate certain genes associated with longevity and cellular repair, promoting healthier aging.

  5. Improved Endurance and Fitness: Hypoxic training challenges your body to adapt and perform better in oxygen-deprived conditions, ultimately enhancing your overall fitness. A stronger, fitter body is better equipped to age gracefully.

Is Hypoxic Training the Best Type of Training for Longevity?

While it’s important to remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to fitness for longevity, hypoxic training offers a unique and promising avenue to explore. It combines physical and mental health benefits. This makes it an attractive option for those seeking a comprehensive approach to extending their lifespan.

In conclusion, when it comes to training for longevity, hypoxic training is the real adventure. So, if you’re eager to unlock the secrets of longevity and take charge of your health, consider adding hypoxic training to your fitness routine. With its multitude of benefits, it’s undoubtedly worth exploring this innovative method that holds the promise of a longer, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

Let’s talk about how hypoxic training can boost your longevity. Schedule a time to meet with one of our expert Altitude coaches.



5 Insane Outdoor Adventure Races

Outdoor adventure races are the ultimate test of your physical and mental limits. These races take you to breathtaking, remote locations where you’ll push yourself to the max. In this post, we’ll explore five insane outdoor adventure races around the world that will put your skills and endurance to the test.

1. The Barkley Marathons – Frozen Head State Park, Tennessee, USA

The Barkley Marathons is known as one of the toughest ultramarathon races on the planet. The race unfolds over 100 miles through the rugged wilderness of Frozen Head State Park, featuring a brutal vertical gain of over 59,000 feet. This event is not for the faint of heart, requiring extensive trail running and endurance preparation. High altitude training can also be beneficial to build the stamina necessary for this grueling race.

    2. The Jungle Ultra – Peru

    If you’re looking for a race that combines trail running and a truly unique setting, the Jungle Ultra in Peru is a fantastic choice. This multistage race takes participants through the Amazon rainforest. Endurance is key as you cover over 140 miles through the challenging terrain and humidity. Additionally, integrating strength training into your preparation is essential to withstand the physical demands of this race. Building strength in your core, legs, and upper body will not only help you tackle steep inclines and uneven terrains but also improve your overall performance, making you more resilient in the challenging conditions of the Jungle Ultra.

    trail running

    3. The Coastal Challenge – Costa Rica

    For those who thrive in tropical conditions, The Coastal Challenge in Costa Rica is the adventure race of your dreams. This 236-kilometer race guides runners along the country’s coastline, through dense jungles, and across pristine beaches. Trail running expertise is vital, as is preparation for the intense heat and humidity.

    4. The Dragon’s Back Race – Wales, UK

    The Dragon’s Back Race is an iconic adventure racing event that traverses the rugged terrain of the Welsh mountains. This five-day stage race covers 315 kilometers, with steep ascents and descents. High-altitude preparation can help participants adapt to the challenging elevation changes, and ultramarathon training is a must to tackle this demanding race.

    5. The Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc (UTMB) – France, Italy, and Switzerland

    The UTMB is the holy grail of ultramarathon races. This 171-kilometer race circumnavigates Mont Blanc, taking participants through high mountain passes and steep trails. Altitude preparation is crucial due to the race’s high-altitude sections. The UTMB is a test of endurance and trail running skills like no other.

    insane outdoor adventure races


    How To Train for Outdoor Adventure Races

    If you’re based in Toronto and are looking to prepare for these epic adventures, consider specialized training at Altitude Athletic Training. Altitude offers personalized programs that can help you improve your endurance, trail running abilities, and high-altitude adaptation.

    Here’s how Altitude can benefit you:

    • Personalized Training: Work with a coach on a program tailored to your specific adventure race goals. Whether it’s ultramarathon training, high altitude preparation, or trail running, we’ve got you covered.

    • Specialized Training Environment: Altitude Athletic Training recreates high-altitude conditions, allowing you to adapt to lower oxygen levels and replicate the demands of your expedition, which is essential for races like the UTMB and Barkley Marathons. This helps boost your endurance and performance at both sea-level and high-altitude settings.

    These five insane outdoor adventure races around the world offer a unique opportunity to challenge your physical and mental limits. With proper ultramarathon training, high altitude preparation, and strong guidance, you can embark on these incredible journeys. So, lace up your trail running shoes and start your adventure racing journey today!

    Altitude training for injured runners

    Are you a runner dealing with injuries? Altitude training could be your best friend

    Most runners have been injured, and it’s a dreadful part of sport. We spend hours pool running. We do endless glute bridges. And we watch our friends leave for runs and disappear into the abyss just like our abs. We get bored out of our minds, and stressed about losing the fitness we worked so hard to build.

    As we lope and mope on the local gym’s elliptical machine, we think of three things:

    How can I make cross-training less boring?

    How can I maintain fitness?

    Is this thing ever going to heal?

     Thankfully, there might be an answer to these questions that has nothing to do with stepping foot into the pool with an aqua belt.


    Altitude training could be your most valuable cross-training tool. Here’s how:

    Research shows that low-oxygen (hypoxic) training increases red blood cell count, which facilitates oxygen transport to the working muscles. Better oxygen transport can lead to more aerobic benefits (which can help us maintain fitness when we are injured) and decreased injury recovery time. As well, seeking out a new method of cross-training can be mentally refreshing, and can make our time away feel less terrible.

    Plus, no matter where you are on the injury spectrum, altitude training can be your ally.


    The Injury Spectrum

    How might altitude training be helpful to you

    Injury Prone

    You’re not injured right now, but you push your limits and regularly find yourself sidelined. Maybe it’s pesky runner’s knee, or notoriously weak hips (they especially don’t lie when you’re a runner). You want to keep making gains, but you struggle handling your workload before a nagging “issue” turns into a full-blown problem. Do a portion of your training at altitude instead in order to maximize your time on your feet without additional stress to your weak spots. Your 75-minute run can become a 60-minute hypoxic run. Similar aerobic stimulus, less pounding.

    On the Comeback

    You are returning to training, and can only handle half your regular volume. Because you are doing less than what you are used to, you find it difficult to gain much fitness. Doing that reduced volume at hypoxia can produce physiological stimulus that will let you get fit at a faster rate. This way you can get back up to speed in a reasonable timeframe. See training at altitude as the bridge to get you back to your full volume of running again, but safely.


    running your fastest 5K

    Short-term Sideline

    It’s the middle of your season, and you are in the shape of your life, and you are told to back off for three weeks. Not enough to kill the race goal, but enough to lose your edge. You don’t want to take time off, and you want to keep building fitness. For a short period, use an alternative form of training to maintain your fitness. Do it in low-oxygen conditions, and you might not miss a beat—red blood cell count and oxygen transport tends to spike after three weeks to a month of hypoxic training. You may actually come out of this mini-pause in your run training fitter than before. Plus, it’s a great excuse to try something new.

    Out for the Season

    You are riding great fitness, and come down with a pretty serious injury, say, a muscle tear or the dreaded stress fracture. You might be off for a few months, but you are motivated to stay fit. In the past, you’ve put in two to three hours of work on the bike or in the pool per day to get enough aerobic stimulus, only to come back to running with bike legs (this is when you discover how strong your quads can get) or pool arms (swimming reminds runners that a bit of upper body is perhaps not a bad thing).

    But how can you maintain fitness for two months, without coming back with a body that would rather swim or cycle than run? Do that cross-training at altitude, and get the desired aerobic stimulus without having to cross-train excessively. This approach will also free your afternoon for more glute bridges or planks (which can be done at altitude as well). You’re welcome.

    Far Gone

    You have been injured for a long time, and feel like you have lost all fitness. Generally, the more unfit you are, the greater the results of hypoxic training. Use our training methods as your first step back to action, either on your own terms during our open gym time, or with the help of a coach and a personalized training plan.

    If you are injured and want to get back to competition in a more effective and less painless way, give Altitude Athletic a try. If nothing else, it’s way more fun and adds stimulus than staring at the wall of your local pool for an hour.

    Let’s talk about how altitude training can help you with your running injury. Schedule a time to meet with one of our expert Altitude coaches.

    3 Tips to Train for the Everest Basecamp Trek

    The Everest Basecamp Trek is a dream adventure for many, but it demands more than just enthusiasm. To reduce your risk of altitude sickness, improve your cardio endurance, and develop the strength required for this epic journey, you need a well-rounded training regimen.

    In today’s post, we’ll explore three essential tips to prepare for the Everest Basecamp Trek.

    Tips to Prepare for the trek to Everest Basecamp

    Tip 1: Understand Ways to Reduce Altitude Sickness

    Altitude sickness is a major concern when trekking to high-altitude destinations like Everest Basecamp. It can cause nausea, dizziness, and even become life-threatening if not managed properly.

    Know the Basics

    There are several basic things you can do to mitigate your chances of getting altitude sickness. For example, when you arrive at higher elevations, take your time to acclimate. Ascend slowly and make sure to rest and hydrate adequately. Also, ensure that you drink plenty of water throughout the trek to stay well-hydrated. 

    Simulated Altitude Training

    Aside from basic strategies, one of the most effective ways to prepare for high-altitude conditions is through simulated altitude training. This is also known as hypoxic training.

    Simulated altitude training is a concept that has gained popularity among athletes and adventurers preparing for high-altitude challenges. It involves exposing your body to reduced oxygen levels similar to those experienced at high altitudes. This innovative approach can help reduce the risk of altitude sickness and improve your overall performance when trekking to destinations like Everest Basecamp.

    Facilities like Altitude Athletic Training in Downtown Toronto offer an innovative approach to help reduce the risk of altitude sickness and improve your overall performance when trekking to destinations like Everest Basecamp.


    Tip 2: Improve Cardio Endurance for High Altitudes

    One of the keys to a successful Everest Basecamp Trek is excellent cardio endurance. Hiking at high altitudes requires more effort due to lower oxygen levels, making it essential to have a strong cardiovascular system. To improve your endurance, focus on activities such as running, cycling, and stair climbing.

    Interval Training

    Incorporate interval training into your routine. This involves alternating between short bursts of high-intensity exercise and periods of low-intensity recovery. Interval training is excellent for building both aerobic and anaerobic endurance.

    Long-Distance Training:

    Gradually increase the duration and intensity of your cardio workouts. Focus on longer, sustained efforts to mimic the demands of the trek. Consider progressively extending your running or cycling sessions to build stamina.

    Altitude Training

    Consider training at facilities like Altitude Athletic Training to simulate the reduced oxygen conditions you’ll encounter at higher altitudes. This type of training pushes your cardiovascular system to adapt to lower oxygen levels, making you better prepared for the challenges of the trek.

    Everest Basecamp Trek

    Tip 3: Don’t Neglect Strength 

    Trekking to Everest Basecamp involves carrying a backpack loaded with essentials. To ensure you have the strength to endure the long and challenging trails, incorporate strength training into your regimen. Include exercises that target your legs, core, and upper body. Aim to handle the weight of your pack and maintain stability on uneven terrains.

    Train with Your Weight Pack

    Carrying a backpack while hiking or incline treadmill walking is an effective way to mimic the conditions of the Everest Basecamp Trek and improve your physical preparedness. Start with a light load in your backpack and gradually add more weight as your strength and endurance increase. This mimics the progression of packing for a multi-day trek and allows your body to adapt to the additional load.


    Build Muscular Endurance (ideally at high-altitude)

    If possible, take your strength training up to higher altitudes (simulated or terrestrial). Doing so will challenge your muscles to work harder and in conditions similar to those you’ll experience on the Everest Basecamp Trek.


    Work With An Expert

    Don’t go into your Everest Basecamp preparation without a good plan or support system in place. Find an experienced coach who can build you a tailored program that includes strength training exercises specific to trekking. Facilities like Altitude Athletic Training can help you with a tailored program that includes strength training exercises specific to trekking. To speak with a coach and learn more about strength training plans for the Everest Basecamp Trek, book a complimentary coach consultation here.


    Preparation is the key to a successful Everest Basecamp Trek. To reduce the risk of altitude sickness, improve your cardio endurance, and enhance your muscular endurance, it’s essential to invest time in the right training methods. Simulated altitude training can be a valuable addition to your training regimen, helping your body acclimate to lower oxygen levels and develop the strength required for the journey. When you arrive at high altitudes, the proper acclimatization, hydration, and attention to your body’s signals are critical to avoiding altitude sickness. By following these tips and adhering to a well-rounded training plan, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle the heights and embrace the breathtaking landscapes of the Everest Basecamp Trek.

    High Altitude Training Camps – How much do they cost?

    Elite runners will do blocks of training in high-altitude locations like Flagstaff, Arizona (2,106 m), Aspen, Colorado (2,438 m) or even all the way to the “Home of the Champions” in Iten, Kenya (2,400 m). Why go the distance to run at high elevations? To stimulate a process called erythropoiesis. Erythropoiesis is the process that produces red blood cells in the body, expanding oxygen carrying capacity and resulting in improved endurance, stamina and aerobic performance.

    And the records show that altitude training does in fact work. According to Runner’s World, 95% of all medalists at the world championships and the Olympic Games since 1968 have either lived or trained at altitude.

    Do you have to be an elite athlete to train at altitude? No! It’s a common misconception about altitude is that it’s only for elite athletes or people competing at altitude. But the benefits of altitude training can also be enjoyed and achieved by regular people and recreational runners looking to enhance oxygen transport/uptake for improved stamina and aerobic capacity.




    The struggle for us regular people (who live at sea-level and don’t have mountain just around the corner) isn’t whether or not altitude training can yield benefit. It is physically getting to altitude itself.

    In most cases, these elite athletes have the time and support to head to elevation for a performance boost.  But when it comes to those of us who aren’t quite professionals – but still take our training very seriously – we often don’t have that luxury. Most of us can only get away for a week or two at a time – which isn’t even enough to fully reap the benefits of a high altitude training experience (research says it takes about a month for physiological changes to occur).

    Indeed, there is a lot of time and money involved when it comes to high altitude training camps. Whether it be as part of a structured high altitude training camp for runners, an individual, self-guided trip, or a practice expedition to prepare for an upcoming climb.

    Since altitude training can be so beneficial for athletes of all levels, and this is something very desirable amongst the running and endurance athlete community, we wanted to get an idea of how much this kind of trip would cost. Check out what we learnt:



    *Note prices may vary throughout the year, these are based on Late Summer-Early Fall

    Camp #1 – Running Mecca Boulder Summer Training Camp

    • Location: Boulder, Colorado, USA.
    • Elevation: Approximately 6,614 feet (2,015 meters).
    • Duration: 7 days.
    • Type of Training Camp: Trail Running Camp.
    • What’s Included:
        • Guided trail runs: 10 sessions.
        • Long run: 1 session.
        • Track workouts: 2 sessions.
        • Airport transportation (pick-up and drop-offs).
        • Lunch daily.
        • One-on-one coaching by Olympic Runner and Head Coach Luis Orta, and support coach Hiruni Wijayaratne.
        • Classroom sessions: Covering mobility, stretching, warm-up, cool-down, running form, strides, drills, race strategy, and mental strength.
        • Weekend exploration: Discover the beauty of Boulder and its vicinity with local market visits and downtown Boulder lunches.
        • Small group experience: Limited capacity for a personalized and fun training camp.
    • Not included:
        • Airfare to Boulder, Colorado.
        • Meals during the camp.
        • Athlete accommodation.
    • Pricing Options:
      • Pay in full: $750 USD.
      • Monthly installments: Reserve your spot with $250 USD

    Camp #2 – Rob Krar Ultra Camp

    • Location: Flagstaff, Arizona.
    • Elevation: Approximately 6,614 feet (2,015 meters).
    • Duration: 4-5 Days
    • Type of Training Camp: Trail Running Camp.
    • What’s Included:
        • Guided trail runs: Over a variety of terrains, distances, and altitudes.
        • All meals are included
        • Small group experience: Generous individual attention.
        • Coaching: Learn from experienced trail runners.
        • Open to all abilities: From beginner to intermediate experience levels
    • Not Included
      • Airfare to Flagstaff, Arizona
    • Costs
        • $2,100/person for private room
        • $1,875/person for shared room
        • A non-refundable deposit of $200 due at registration.

    Camp #3 – Kenya Experience Running Camp

    Location: Iten, Kenya

    Elevation: 2,400 meters (7900 feet)

    Duration: 2 weeks

    Type of Training Camp: Running Camp for All Levels

    What you get:

      • Guided Runs: You’ll run daily with local guides on the same trails as Kenyan greats.
      • Practical Workshops: Learn from top Kenyan runners and coaches.
      • Cultural Immersion: Gain unique insider access to the lives of Kenya’s runners.
      • Inspiring Location: Explore endless dirt trails and enjoy breathtaking views across the Great Rift Valley.
    • What’s Not Included:
        • Flights: You’ll need to arrange your own flights to Kenya.
        • Personal Expenses: Any additional personal expenses are not covered.
    • Costs:
          • The camp fee is £1350 (British pounds) per person.
          • This includes full board accommodation, all coaching, and activities during the camp.

      These are all top notch camps with great amenities in stunning locations. And they are designed to help athletes of all levels experience the benefits of training in real high-altitude conditions. However, taking 7 days at any one of these camps is not cheap. Based on our research – the average cost (assuming you are leaving from Toronto) is around ~$3700 CAD – taking into account basic transport, lodging and meal requirements.

      altitude fitness classes toronto


      So, how can we trigger the benefits of altitude training closer to home? A good solution is simulated altitude training. Simulated altitude training involves exercising in or simply inhaling the oxygen-reduced air that you find at high altitudes. Simulated altitude is created by decreasing the percentage of oxygen in the air (normal atmospheric air consists of 20.9% oxygen).

      There are different ways you can do it. For example, you can purchase a hypoxic training mask (NOT the altitude masks that just restrict air intake) for stationary exercise. You can place a hypoxic tent over your bed to get the benefits of longer term passive exposure. Or you can train mask-free in a simulated altitude gym – like what we offer here at Altitude Athletic Training. Read more about the science and benefits of the different types of altitude training and exposures here.

      And if you’re wondering what to expect from a pricing perspective, in most cases you will most certainly be paying less for simulated altitude training at home than the altitude camp comparison. For instance, a three month membership at Altitude with personalized fitness programming, unlimited facility access and fitness testing will cost you $400 CAD per month. Check out the membership details here. This would be a great (and more cost effective) alternative for those of us who don’t quite have the funds (or time) to jet off for a run in the mountains.