Starting Endurance Training

As you embark on your endurance training journey, it’s important to train properly, avoid injury and gradually build up your mileage. Don’t start on the wrong foot (or stride?) by leaving your training up to guesswork. Work with one of our expert coaches on a personalized training plan and accelerate your fitness gains in our altitude chamber.

Meet with A Coach

Book a complimentary consult with one of our coaches to kickstart your running, cycling or triathlon journey. 


PNOE VO2 Max testing running

Baseline Fitness Testing

We’ll start with a fitness assessment to determine your current fitness level and collect your baseline metrics. Knowing data like your VO2 max, heart rate training zones and anerobic threshold will help us set appropriate targets and build you a more effective training program.

PNOE VO2 Max testing running

Personalized Fitness Programming

If you’re going to start endurance training, don’t risk injury and start right. Get access to a well-structured program designed by an expert that addresses your specific needs, accounts for rest and recovery, and optimizes your use of our simulated altitude environment.

why train at altitude

Why train at high-altitude

Simulated altitude training is an innovative training technique that can provide a range of benefits for endurance athletes of all levels, including:


  • Go Longer: Build stamina and the body’s capacity to deliver oxygen to working muscles and tissues
  • Go Harder: Improve anaerobic threshold so you can work at higher speeds without excess fatigue
  • Recover Faster: Better lactate clearance to delay the onset of fatigue
  • Train Smarter: Reduce training load while boosting fitness

Client Experiences

The best gym!! I’ve been working here for almost a year now, for many reasons. The top one is that I love the team and coaches.

Everyone is supe...

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Stacey J. 
Stacey J.

Excellent facility and well run by good people who care. I’ve been going to the gym off and on for my entire life without seeing much results. I did...

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Great facility with fantastic staff . The variety classes at Altitude prepped me for my first Marathon as well as an Ultra Marathon that will be takin...

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Daniel M. 
Daniel M.